July  2024 69
Theory and Reality in Communication Research


        本期的傳播論壇來自杜駿飛對其「數字交往」數年研究的總結和闡釋。這一理論取向既是對傳統理論(如拉圖爾和塔爾德)的延伸,也是對最近20 年新傳播科技發展的批判性思考。




Communication research is a diverse discipline that encompasses various academic fields and has practical applications in real life. Ideally, research in this field emphasizes the integration of theory and practice to address realworld issues while developing generalizable theories to guide practices. Purely studying a specific real-world case is worthy, but such an approach often results in applied or policy research, which may lack systematization and reflexivity. On the other hand, purely theoretical research can become idiosyncratic and detached from reality. Communication and Society has always emphasized empirical research with theoretical sophistication. The articles in this issue
reflect this philosophy. As Shuhua Zhou points out in the academic dialogue in this issue, “truly important research requires different levels of abstraction.”

梁海(2024)。〈傳播研究的理論與現實〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第69 期,頁v–vii。

Citation of this article:
Liang, H. (2024). Theory and reality in communication research. Communication and Society, 69, v–vii.


No.69  2024 July
No.68  2024 April
No.67  2024 January
No.66  2023 October
No.65  2023 July
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