January  2018 43
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
Digital First Newsroom: Analyzing Journalism Convergence and Transformation of The Straits Times’ Online News Practices
作者 林翠絹
Author Trisha T. C. LIN
關鍵詞 新聞匯流、數位優先、跨平台敘事、多媒體新聞、多工
Keywords convergent journalism, digital first, transmedia storytelling, multimedia news, multiskilling
摘要 成立172年的《海峽時報》,在新加坡2015年國會大選時迎戰非主流網路新聞媒體,大幅度調整跨平台多媒體新聞實務及數位工作流程,以維持新加坡最大英文報領先地位。本研究以「數位優先」和「新聞匯流」觀點,分析此傳統報業在轉型中的網站新聞呈現,並調查它在數位新聞工作流程和實務的調整。研究方法除了網路觀察《海峽時報》選戰新聞,也深度訪談參與數位新聞產製的編輯和記者。結果發現:《海峽時報》以「數位優先」原則整合新聞產製流程、調整組織,並確立數位新聞以「即時部落格–社群媒體–網路新聞–報紙報導」標準化流程發稿;該新聞團隊頻繁利用Telegram整合新聞系統及WhatsApp手機即時通訊,協調跨平台新聞編採與產製。此外,《海峽時報》大選新聞創新跨平台、多媒體互動新聞敘事,它也成立專業小組優化影音新聞品質,有效提高點閱率,而大數據也成為編輯新聞之參考依據。本文也討論匯流時數位新聞多工和專業分工效應。
Abstract During Singapore’s 2015 General Elections (GE2015), The Straits Times (ST), the country’s highest circulating newspaper established 172 years ago, adjusted its multimedia journalistic practices and digital workflow greatly, in order to compete with alternative news media and achieve its multi-platform and multimedia news goals. This study takes the “digital first” and “journalism convergence” approaches to examine transforming newspaper’s website presentation and ST’s adjustments in journalistic practices and digital workflow. It used web observation of ST’s GE2015 online news and conducted in-depth interviews with editors and journalists involved in online news production. The results show that ST’s integrated news production process prioritized “digital first” as the principle for internal restructuring, and established multi-platform news standardized process: latest news on live blogs, then updating social media, followed by official web news release and in-depth print news stories. ST news team frequently utilized Telegram integrated news system and WhatsApp to coordinate transmedia news covering, editing, and production. During GE2015, straitstimes.com produced innovative transmedia storytelling and highly interactive multimedia news content. Also, straitstimes.com launched a professional video news team to improve visual content quality for increasing viewership. Web data analytics has become references for editorial judgment. Finally, convergence impacts of digital news multiskilling and professional work specialization are discussed.


林翠絹(2018)。〈數位優先新聞室:海峽時報網路新聞匯流與轉型分析〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第43 期,頁73–102。

Citation of this article:

Lin, T. T. C. (2018). Digital first newsroom: Analyzing journalism convergence and transformation of The Straits Times’ online news practices. Communication & Society, 43, 73–102.
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