July  2018 45
研究論文Research Articles
Politics of Knowledge: A Study of Wukan Incident in Search Engines
作者 方惠
Author Hui FANG
關鍵詞 搜索引擎、知識、百度、谷歌、烏坎事件
Keywords search engines, knowledge, Baidu, Google, Wukan Incident
摘要 作為一種承載知識的媒介工具,搜索引擎在全球網民對新聞及信息來源的信任排名中已然躍居第一。本文以搜索引擎的知識生產為核心議題,以烏坎事件作為研究對象,採用內容分析和話語分析的方法,通過比較該事件在不同搜索引擎(百度和谷歌)中的呈現,探討搜索引擎的意涵。本文的研究問題有二:一,搜索引擎能否提供準確且相關的知識?二,搜索引擎為知識提供了怎樣的理解框架?研究認為,儘管搜素引擎為用戶提供了看似精準而多樣的知識與信息,但是其話語仍然是高度結構化的,與其所處的經濟、政治與文化語境相一致。在搜索引擎提供的知識民主化的表象下,政治與商業對於知識的控制從明處走向了暗處,變得更加隱蔽、難以察覺。
Abstract Search engines had surpassed traditional media for the first time to become the most-trusted media source globally that has been a critical tool for users to sense the wider world. Focused on the core issue of knowledge production in the search engines, this paper explores the implication of search engines based on content analysis and discursive analysis on a meaningful public event—Wukan Incident in Baidu and Google. Two questions are raised in this paper: firstly, whether could search engines offer accurate and highly relevant knowledge? Secondly, what kind of interpretative frame implied by search engines? This study argues that although the search engine provides users with seemingly accurate and diverse knowledge and information, their discourse is still highly structured and consistent with its economic, political and cultural milieu. Note that, under the veil of democratization of knowledge, interference of economy and politics imposing on knowledge is becoming more and more covert and insidious.



Citation of this article:

Fang, H. (2018). Politics of knowledge: A study of Wukan incident in search engines. Communication & Society, 45, 145–169
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