July  2018 45
研究論文Research Articles
The Politics of Naming: Some Reflections on the Construction of Chinese Marriage Immigrants and Nationalism in Taiwan’s Media
作者 朱蘊兒
Author Yun-Er ZHU
關鍵詞 大陸配偶、基於語料庫的質性內容分析法、民族主義、新聞框架
Keywords Chinese marriage immigrants, corpus-based qualitative content analysis, nationalism, frame analysis
摘要 大陸配偶台灣媳婦,她們站在台灣與中國大陸的交界處,是想像共同體的最薄弱也最敏感的邊界,也是探究台灣民族共同體之構成的絕佳著力點。


Abstract Chinese marriage immigrants to Taiwan from Mainland China are targets of Taiwanese nationalism. In news reports, these immigrants are referred to under four different names—Mainland spouses, Chinese spouses, Mainland brides, and Chinese brides—each of which represents different social norms and dreams of segmentation or integration. In this study, we analyze news reports about Chinese marriage immigrants in four major newspapers from 2003 to 2014. The innovative method of corpus-based qualitative content analysis is applied, which integrates natural language processing techniques into traditional content analysis. The objective is to determine the distinctive naming strategies adopted by media organizations. The results show that the discourse structures of Mainland Chinese brides are more constrained and less sophisticated compared with those of their “Mainland Chinese spouses.” Moreover, this discourse centers on national defense strategies. In addition, the term “crime frames” is used frequently news about brides, stigmatizing them as “evil brides.” In contrast, news about “Mainland spouses” is significantly influenced by “social integration and social welfare frames” and constructs them as “model spouses,” which are further revealed to be part of governmental propaganda plans. “Model spouses” and “evil brides” are opposite but complementary sides of nationalism, disciplining Chinese marriage immigrants to be self-sacrificing, submissive, and loyal. Only in this way can they gain the opportunity to enter the imagined community of the Taiwanese nation.

However, the discourse structure of “Chinese spouses” differs greatly from the other three. It is dominated by Taiwanese nationalism, and it rarely encourages Chinese immigrants to be assimilated or integrated into the community.



Citation of this article:

Zhu, Y.-E. (2018). The politics of naming: Some reflections on the construction of Chinese marriage immigrants and nationalism in Taiwan’s media. Communication & Society, 45, 171–214.
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