July  2024 69
研究論文Research Articles
Power of Laypersons: The Implications of the Natural Helper Model for Community-Based Cancer Screening Campaigns Among Women
作者 盧鴻毅
Author Hung-Yi LU
關鍵詞 乳癌、子宮頸癌、自然幫助人
Keywords breast cancer, cervical cancer, Natural Helper Model
摘要 本研究採用「自然幫助人模式」(Natural Helper Model)作為理論基礎,協請美髮、美容、美體及美甲業者擔任女性乳房攝影及子宮頸抹片檢查的宣導代言人。本研究以台灣嘉義市作為研究場域,歷時三年(2021–2023)時間,第一、二年主要針對美髮、美容、美體及美甲業者進行培力,教導她們如何向女性顧客正確地宣導相關訊息,並正式執行宣導介入活動;第三年則分別針對業者及顧客進行一對一深度訪談,以了解藉由社區素人向顧客宣導的人際傳播力量,對女性接受癌症篩檢的影響為何?本研究發現,美髮、美容、美體及美甲院是一個女性討論私密議題的特殊場域,在這個場域進行女性癌篩宣導的確適合,而業者與顧客之間因長期建立的信任關係,當業者向顧客宣導時其接受度比較高,甚至業者如果有罹癌經驗,以她們的經驗向顧客宣導,更具說服力。本研究於是建議,與業者合作宣導女性癌篩,重新看見素人的力量,也打造業者及顧客之間的雙贏局面。
Abstract In this study, the Natural Helper Model was applied to examine the influence of salon workers on women’s breast cancer and cervical cancer screening. This qualitative research was implemented over three years, from 2021 to 2023, in Chiayi City, Taiwan. In the first and second year, salon workers were empowered to disseminate correct messages related to cancer screening during interactions with their customers. In the third year, this study implemented one-on-one interviews to analyze the effects of Natural Helpers’ persuasive messages on women’s behaviors related to cancer screening. The findings indicate that the salon is a safe place for the discussion of private issues among women. Because of long-standing trust, customers are likelier to be persuaded by salon workers to engage in cancer screening. Most importantly, narrative communication (e.g., regarding the prior experiences of cancer patients) was shown to play a vital role in persuading customers to engage in cancer screening. These findings indicate the power of laypersons, which suggests that the influence of interpersonal communication should be recognized. Moreover, their collaboration can benefit both salon workers and health campaign designers.


Citation of this article:
Lu, H.-Y. (2024). Power of laypersons: The implications of the Natural Helper Model for community-based cancer screening campaigns among women. Communication and Society, 69, 143–178.
No.69  2024 July
No.68  2024 April
No.67  2024 January
No.66  2023 October
No.65  2023 July
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