July  2024 69
研究論文Research Articles
An Analysis of the Health Belief Model in Mainland Chinese Media’s COVID-19 Vaccine Reports
作者 曹培鑫、宋軍彥
Author Peixin CAO, Junyan SONG
關鍵詞 新冠疫苗報導、健康信念、社會取向、感知益處
Keywords COVID-19 vaccine reports, Health Belief Model, social orientation, perceived benefits
摘要 本研究圍繞健康信念模型理論對新華社、《人民日報》、《澎湃新聞》和《健康報》刊載的679篇新冠疫苗的新聞報導進行內容分析,研究結果顯示:(1)以傳統「健康信念」理論模型觀察,中國媒體在相關報導中突出疫苗注射的感知益處和破除個體的感知障礙,有效、安全和社會性獲益是報導的主要面向,而報導中鮮有感知威脅和以人際關係為中心的勸服;(2)疫苗的全球供給和公平分配等問題成為健康信念框架下新的議題。上述發現一方面說明在大陸黨管媒體的總體框架下,記者在新冠疫苗報導中遵循了促進廣泛接種的現實目標,這一目標與健康信念模型不謀而合;另一方面,疫苗的全球供給與平均分配等新議題也給予研究者與傳統健康信念模型對話的空間。隨著全球合作不斷深入,個體的健康信念與全球健康、整體安全等社會性議題的連接不斷鞏固,健康信念模型的公共性面向和全球健康邊界的拓展亦需進一步學術評估。
Abstract Through a content analysis of 679 news reports on COVID-19 vaccines by several major Chinese official media, both traditional and online, the authors found the following: First, based on the traditional Health Belief Model (HBM), Chinese media have highlighted the perceived benefits of vaccination and eliminated perceived barriers in their coverage of the COVID-19 vaccine, emphasizing its effectiveness, safety, and social benefits. Perceived threats and interpersonal persuasion have rarely been reported. Second, new issues, such as global availability and the equitable distribution of vaccines, emerged as prominent issues in this study. The above findings showed that under mainland China’s party-controlled media, journalists have followed the national goal of promoting widespread vaccination in their COVID-19 vaccine reports, which is consistent with the aim of the HBM. Moreover, new issues regarding the global supply and equitable distribution of vaccines provide researchers with an opportunity to expand the boundaries of the Health Belief Model.

曹培鑫、宋軍彥(2024)。〈健康信念框架下中國大陸媒體新冠疫苗報導分析〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第69 期,頁105–141。

Citation of this article:
Cao, P., & Song, J. (2024). An analysis of the Health Belief Model in mainland Chinese media’s COVID-19 vaccine reports. Communication and Society, 69, 105–141.
No.69  2024 July
No.68  2024 April
No.67  2024 January
No.66  2023 October
No.65  2023 July
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