July  2024 69
研究論文Research Articles
Practical Knowledge of Algorithms and Subjectivity Construction Among a Digitally Marginalized Group: A Grounded Theory Approach to Elderly Users’ Media Practices
作者 任韻靈、彭璐璐
Author Yunling REN, Lulu PENG
關鍵詞 算法實用知識、日常化媒介實踐、銀髮用戶、數字弱勢群 體、主體性
Keywords algorithms, practical knowledge, everyday media practices, elderly users, digitally marginalized group, subjectivity
摘要 技術的知識社會學一直試圖突破具有專業或文化壁壘的技術知識生產與流通邏輯。伴隨算法驅動的智能平台深度嵌入社會生活,本研究關注算法語境下的知識建構,並且在人技互動中發掘算法知識的實用面向。本研究探討了銀髮群體(50歲及以上)的算法知識與日常化智能媒介實踐之間的關係。通過深度訪談27名銀髮用戶,研究發現,銀髮群體的算法實用知識與媒介實踐的關係體現在圖樂體驗、想像自洽、變現協商三個方面:「圖樂體驗」指銀髮群體的算法無知形成了情感再連接和更大膽的人技互動實踐;「想像自洽」指他們對「算法是甚麼」的想像,合理化自身的平台使用動機與行動;「變現協商」則指他們在看廣告賺金幣的過程中,不斷協商「開源節流」行為與算法推薦之間的關係。算法知識的實用面向使得銀髮用戶的媒介化實踐及其自我詮釋更具理論張力,有助於發掘數字弱勢群體的主體性與更加多元的技術使用面貌。
Abstract The sociology of knowledge concerning technology has surmounted the professional and cultural barriers that govern the production and circulation of technical knowledge. Because algorithm-driven platforms are deeply embedded in society, this study focused on knowledge construction in algorithmic contexts to examine the practical aspects of algorithmic knowledge in human–technology interactions. Specifically, the study explored the relationship between algorithmic knowledge and everyday mundane media practices among the elderly in China. The analysis of data collected during in-depth interviews with 27 elderly users (age ≥ 50 years old) revealed three aspects of the relationship between the elderly participant’s practical knowledge of algorithms and media practices: (1) “entertainment” that elucidates how the elderly participants’ algorithmic ignorance fostered emotional reconnections and audacious interactions with new technologies; (2) “imagination” that refers to their imagining of “what an algorithm is” and their rationalization of the platform-use motivations and actions; and (3) “earning” that illuminates how they constantly negotiated the relationship between the behavior of “increasing income and reducing expenditure” in response to algorithmic recommendations while earning golden coins by watching ads. The findings regarding the practical dimension of algorithmic knowledge shed light on the theorization of elderly users’ media practices and self-interpretation, revealing digitally marginalized groups’ subjectivity and diverse technology usage.

任韻靈、彭璐璐(2024)。〈算法實用知識與數字弱勢群體的主體性建構—基於對銀髮用戶媒介實踐的紮根考察〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第69 期,頁81–104。

Citation of this article:
Ren, Y., & Peng, L. (2024). Practical knowledge of
algorithms and subjectivity construction among a digitally marginalized group: A grounded theory approach to elderly users’ media practices. Communication and Society, 69, 81–104.
No.69  2024 July
No.68  2024 April
No.67  2024 January
No.66  2023 October
No.65  2023 July
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