July  2024 69
研究論文Research Articles
Does the Internet Exacerbate Social Discontent Among Youth? Internet Use and Perception of Social Equity: Information Exposure as a Mediator
作者 施穎婕
Author Yingjie SHI
關鍵詞 互聯網使用、異質性暴露、社會公平感、涵化假說
Keywords internet use, heterogeneous exposure, perception of social fairness, cultivation hypothesis
摘要 本文分析了「信息暴露」的影響以及互聯網使用對中國青年人社會公平感的影響機制。通過對二手調查數據的多層Logistic回歸及Bootstrap中介檢驗,研究發現互聯網使用對青年人社會公平感的影響存在不同維度的分化,異質性暴露在不同維度上均具有中介效應—互聯網的使用減少了結構異質性,從而增強了年輕人的機會公平感;另一方面,互聯網的使用增加了內容異質性,從而降低了年輕人的結果公平感和整體公平感。此外,受訪者的個體特徵會對互聯網的上述涵化效應產生差異化影響。這些發現通過對網絡賦權假說提出實證挑戰,為涵化研究做出了貢獻。最後,相對於網絡媒體使用,諸如社會經濟地位等傳統的結構位置對於青年人社會公平感的影響有限,社會公平感更可能受到信息暴露而非結構位置的影響。
Abstract This study analyzed the effects of “information exposure” and internet use mechanisms on the sense of social fairness among young people in China. Using secondary survey data, multi-layer logistic regression and bootstrap intermediation tests were conducted. The findings showed that the effects of internet use on young people’s sense of social fairness differed and that heterogeneity exposure had a mediating effect on several dimensions. Internet use was shown to enhance young people’s sense of opportunity fairness by reducing exposure to structural heterogeneity. However, internet use reduced young people’s sense of outcome fairness and overall fairness with increased exposure to content heterogeneity. Moreover, the individual characteristics of the study respondents had a differentiating effect on the cultivation effects of the internet. These findings contribute to cultivation research by empirically challenging the network empowerment hypothesis. Finally, compared with online media use, traditional structural positions, such as social economic status, had limited effects on the sense of social fairness, which was likely to be affected by information exposure rather than structural position.

施穎婕(2024)。〈互聯網加劇了青年人的社會不滿?互聯網使用與社會公平感:以信息暴露為中介〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第69 期,頁51–80。

Citation of this article:
Shi, Y. (2024). Does the internet exacerbate social discontent among youth? Internet use and perception of social equity: Information exposure as a mediator. Communication and Society, 69, 51–80.
No.69  2024 July
No.68  2024 April
No.67  2024 January
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