July  2024 69
Navigating Levels of Abstraction
作者 對談人:周樹華、閆岩
Author Discussants: Shuhua ZHOU, Yan YAN
摘要 「真正重要的研究需要不同程度的抽象化過程,相應的,也要求研究者有在不同的抽象化層次之間轉換的能力。不同的抽象層級關注不同的問題。抽象層級通過將研究對象細化或整體化,幫助我們釐清和界定概念。通過確定一個特定的抽象層級,我們可以實現概念的清晰化;通過明確研究所處的抽象層級,我們可以確定研究邊界和研究範圍;通過提升抽象層級,我們可以識別群體的共性、模式或原則,並延展其適用情境或群體的廣泛性。」
Abstract This academic dialogue touched on a number of pressing issues facing education and research in journalism and communication, offering insight on research focus, productivity, and research perspectives and philosophy. Prof. Zhou argues that an academic partnership between practitioners and researchers is important in fostering a research environment in higher education. He also considers curiosity, rigor, and persistence to be the keys to productivity. The dialogue also centers on how newer technology, such as AI, may impact the future of journalism and research.

周樹華、閆岩(2024)。〈卻顧所來徑,蒼蒼橫翠微〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第69 期,頁1–15。

Citation of this article:
Zhou, S., & Yan, Y. (2024). Navigating levels of abstraction. Communication and Society, 69, 1–15.
No.69  2024 July
No.68  2024 April
No.67  2024 January
No.66  2023 October
No.65  2023 July
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