April  2021 56
研究論文Research Articles
Journalism in the Context of Technological Change: The Case of Breaking News in Hong Kong
作者 黃天賜、黃煜、張美鳳、王悅
Author Tin Chi WONG, Yu HUANG, Meily Mei Fung CHEUNG, Yue Bess WANG
關鍵詞 新聞場域、科技、突發新聞、新聞自由、後真相
Keywords journalistic field, technology, breaking news, press freedom, posttruth
摘要 香港回歸中國,新聞工作者大多關心意識形態及權力的轉換導致新聞自由空間縮減,政治力量也借助科技力量,操控新聞資訊的來源和產製,對新聞媒體造成壓力。本文引用Bourdieu的場域理論(field theory),以突發新聞為個案,對科技變遷背景下新聞場域的變化展開研究。透過新聞工作者的深入訪談,及突發新聞內容分析,本文同時探究新聞實踐及製品的變化。研究發現,警方更換數碼通訊系統後,突發新聞數量下降、記者的作業模式劇變,警方成了突發新聞消息最關鍵的守門人。同時,網絡媒體成為新聞消息的重要來源。科技在新聞場域中的不同應用,對新聞場域有兩極性的影響,令香港突發新聞場域的他律性強,專業自主空間收窄。
Abstract Since China resumed sovereignty over Hong Kong, journalists have raised concerns about the decreasing freedom of the press due to shifts in ideology and power. Indeed, political forces have also used technology to control the sources and production of news. This study adopted Bourdieu’s field theory to investigate changes in breaking news after the digitalization of the police communication system in Hong Kong through in-depth interviews with journalists and news content analyses. The results indicated a reduction in breaking news, dramatic changes in news routines, and a shift in the news gatekeeping role from journalists to the police. Technology has been applied differently in shaping Hong Kong’s journalistic field, which has experienced greater heteronomy and less autonomy.



Citation of this article:

Wong, T. C., Huang, Y., Cheung, M. M. F., & Wang, Y. (2021). Journalism in the context of technological change: The case of breaking news in Hong Kong. Communication and Society, 56, 25–61.
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