October  2021 58
研究論文Research Articles
電視台與新聞的APP 融合之路:比較「無線新聞」、「鳳凰新聞」和「澳亞新聞」
TV and News Integrated with APP: A Comparison of TVB News, IFeng News, and MASTV News
作者 羅樂、楊成
Author Le LUO, Cheng YANG
關鍵詞 媒體融合、電視台、新聞APP、多模態話語分析、視覺設計
Keywords media convergence, TV station, news app, multimodal discourse analysis, visual design
摘要 本研究目的有二,一是闡釋電視台品牌的新聞類個人移動應用程序,其設計如何利用視覺圖像和文字共同協作的法則擴展界面意義;二是驗證和總結設計時受到的媒體融合方面的觀念影響。研究選擇三款新聞類APP,以多模態話語分析的基本原理作為方法,輔以深度訪談。研究發現它們共同順應了視覺設計中的多模態化趨勢和既定法則,以及設計呈現的差異化符際協同(intersemiosis)情況和契合的差異化媒體營運觀念。
Abstract This paper examines how, as brands, TV stations develop personal news mobile devices and how the design of the interface makes meaning arise from the use of visual imagery and language. The paper also aims to verify and summarize the principles of the design in relation to the conceptual aspect of media convergence. Multimodal discourse analysis is applied as the main method to investigate three news apps, supplemented by in-depth interviews. Based on the findings, the paper concludes that multimodality and design principles were effective in all three apps. The findings also indicated that intersemiosis was differentiated accordingly and the interface design corresponded to different operational concepts.

本文引用格式﹕羅樂、楊成(2021)。〈電視台與新聞的APP 融合之路:比較「無線新聞」、「鳳凰新聞」和「澳亞新聞」〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第58 期,頁169-201。

Citation of this article: Luo, L., & Yang, C. (2021). TV and news integrated with APP: A comparison of TVB News, IFeng News, and MASTV News. Communication and Society, 58, 169–201.
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